PSLC & ICTLC LevULup Offering

Crabworld Super Powers

In this lesson we introduce code that allows the Lobster to Sprint (up arrow) and do a 180 degree turn (down arrow) once the number of worms left alive on the beach reaches a certain point, so give them additional or super powers at a point in the game where they might be needed. During this we'll explain what static variables and methods are and what they might be used for. Then we'll introduce an additional way of coding the solution not involving static members which will introduce you to the getWorld() method and the concept of typecasting in Java.

WARNING: When playing the game, ALWAYS click the "OK" button on the message window that pops up when you have won/lost the game, this is required, if you don't, for example if you reset the game prior to pressing the "OK" button then "BAD THINGS HAPPEN ON THE BEACH!!!!!"......