PSLC & ICTLC LevULup Offering

Crabworld Scoring Game - Win or Lose

In this lesson we introduce code that calculates the score in the game and decides if the player (controlling the Lobster) has won or lost. The code will display a window message box showing the appropriate win or lose message with a score (something to beat the next time). During this lesson we also take a look at some more variables that are needed, a slightly more complex if condition statement and introduce the if..else statement. Basic screen messages will be covered also. Finally students are asked to introduce more aspects/code to the game to enhance the overall game play. BUT you now have a fully functioning simple game developed using the Java programming language.

WARNING: When playing the game, ALWAYS click the "OK" button on the message window that pops up when you have won/lost the game, this is required, if you don't, for example if you reset the game prior to pressing the "OK" button then "BAD THINGS HAPPEN ON THE BEACH!!!!!"......