Welcome (back) to AY2024/25
Hi all,
Welcome to a new Academic Year. We will be running supports for 5 modules this semester. They are as follows:
Hi all,
Welcome to a new Academic Year. We will be running supports for 5 modules this semester. They are as follows:
Are you a lecturer who wants to improve the educational opportunities for your students? Register your module so that your students can use our programmes for peer-supported learning.
Hi all,
This year the PSLC celebrates its 20th year of providing support to students and staff across the campus. We're working on a short video advertisement to celebrate this achievement and would love to share with you our first draft.
All module supports are up and running this week.
We've created a dedicated BrightSpace site for each so you'll start seeing Announcements coming through over the next few days for PSLG support if you're a student of the modules targeted.
To check out what's happening, and for other supports offered by the Digital Learner Support Hub, join DLSH on BrightSpace by going to: https://learn.ul.ie/d2l/le/discovery/view/course/21177 or scan the QR code below.
Hi all, and welcome back to the Spring semester. We are supporting 6 modules this semester across the KBS, Science & Engineering, and School of Allied Health. The modules are below and you can find the list of times and locations of supports on our timetable page.
Welcome back to campus for returning students and welcome to UL for those joining us for the first time. AY2023/24 brings lots of new opportunities and some new changes. For those who find they could do with some help, would like to make new friends, or want to share what they know with others - the PSLG programme will be a great resource to you. We're finalising the list of modules we're supporting but check back here regularly for new on supports for Autumn 2023.
We are very proud to announce that the PSLC has won the Excellence in Pedagogic Support Award in the UL Teaching Excellence Awards 2022/23. Pedagogic support activities include educational technologists, learner support unit staff, educational developers and technical officers. The award panel agreed that we are a team which actively demonstrates excellence in all that we do and were very impressed with the high standards displayed in the center which we are very proud of.
We're delighted to announce Emma Corcoran has joined the PSLC team as our inaugural co-op placement student. Please join me in welcoming Emma and we hope she enjoys her time here.
Reminder to the students who attended PSLG this semester, you received an email with the link to the Spring 2023 PSLG Student Survey. We would greatly appreciate your feedback on the programme so please fill out the survey before the end of the semester.