Peer-Supported Learning Centre website - now available in Irish

Hi everyone,

As part of our obligations to encourage and promote the Irish language, we have recently added an Irish version of our site. Just click on the flag under the centre logo at the top of the page to switch over. If you should notice any mistakes or better ways of phrasing please note the page, the current statement or mistake, and the updated statement and drop us a line at

Thank you all,

The PSLC Team


Welcome back to the new PSLC website.

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a wonderful Winter break and are well on your way to the new semester. This semester we will be supporting the following modules:

AC4002 - Managerial Accounting (A&F - KBS)
CE4701 - Computer Software 2 (ECE - S&E)
CS4222 - Software Development (CSIS - S&E)
PR4002 - Anatomy 2 (SAH - EHS)
EE4012/EE4522 - Circuit Analysis 1/Digital Systems 1 (ECE - S&E)
LA4222 - Criminal Law 2 (AHSS)

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